Menachem Begin - перевод на Английский
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Menachem Begin - перевод на Английский

Menahem Begin; Menachem Wolfovitch Begin; Begin, Menachem Wolfovitch; Begin, Menachem; Menachim Begin; Prime Minister Begin; Menachum Begin; Menachen Begin; מְנַחֵם בְּגִין; Mieczysław Biegun; מנחם בגין; Менахем Вольфович Бегин; Tertiated
  • [[Palestine Police Force]] wanted poster of Irgun and Lehi members. Begin appears at the top left.
  • ''Altalena'' on fire after being shelled near Tel-Aviv
  • Some of the crew of the ''Altalena''. Bottom row center is Captain Monroe Fein.
  • Begin reviews a [[Betar]] lineup in Poland in 1939. Next to him is Moshe (Munya) Cohen
  • Prime Minister Menachem Begin engages [[Zbigniew Brzezinski]] in a game of [[chess]] at [[Camp David]], 1978.
  • Begin (top center) with his parents, his sister Rachel, and his brother Herzl in Poland, 1932
  • Begin addressing the Knesset in 1974
  • Prime Minister Menahem Begin (left) meets with Agriculture Minister [[Ariel Sharon]] at the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem. August 1977
  • Begin in his Polish Army uniform with his wife Aliza in Tel Aviv, December 1942.
  • Menachem Begin in 1978
  • Begin and [[Moshe Dayan]] exit from an aircraft at [[Andrews Air Force Base]], [[Maryland]], United States
  • Brest]], [[Belarus]]; he was born in the city
  • [[NKVD]] mugshots of Menachem Begin, 1940
  • Begin; August 1948
  • Begin in the guise of "Rabbi Sassover" with wife Aliza and son Benyamin-Zeev, Tel Aviv, December 1946
  • Egyptian President [[Anwar Sadat]] and Menachem Begin acknowledge applause during a joint session of Congress in Washington, D.C., during which President [[Jimmy Carter]] announced the results of the [[Camp David Accords]], 18 September 1978.
  • Plaque in memory of Menachem Begin at the Auditorium Maximum, [[University of Warsaw]], where he studied law
  • Begin with Irgun members, 1948

Menachem Begin         
Menachem Begin (hoofd van de "Ezel", het zesde staatshoofd van israel, hoofd van het vredesverdrag met egypte)
Benny Begin         
Benyamin Zeev Begin; Binyamin Ze'ev Begin; Ze'ev Benyamin Begin; Ze'ev Binyamin Begin; Ze`ev Binyamin Begin; Benjamin Begin
n. Benny Begin (zoon van Menachem Begin, een van de persoonlijkheden in de Likoedbeweging van de jaren negentig)
n. Begin (menachem begin, het zesde staatshoofd van israel; bennie,de zoon van menachem)


I. v. n.
Originate, arise, take rise.
Commence, make a beginning, take the first step, break ground, break the ice.
II. v. a.
Commence, initiate, inaugurate, institute, originate, start, enter upon, set about, set on foot, set in operation, set going.


Menachem Begin

Menachem Begin (Hebrew: מְנַחֵם בֵּגִין Menaḥem Begin (IPA: [menaˈχem ˈbeɡin] (listen)); Polish: Menachem Begin (Polish documents, 1931–1937); Russian: Менахем Вольфович Бегин Menakhem Volfovich Begin; 16 August 1913 – 9 March 1992) was an Israeli politician, founder of Likud and the sixth Prime Minister of Israel. Before the creation of the state of Israel, he was the leader of the Zionist militant group Irgun, the Revisionist breakaway from the larger Jewish paramilitary organization Haganah. He proclaimed a revolt, on 1 February 1944, against the British mandatory government, which was initially opposed by the Jewish Agency. Later, the Irgun fought the Arabs during the 1947–48 civil war in Mandatory Palestine.

Begin was elected to the first Knesset, as head of Herut, the party he founded, and was at first on the political fringe, embodying the opposition to the Mapai-led government and Israeli establishment. He remained in opposition in the eight consecutive elections (except for a national unity government around the Six-Day War), but became more acceptable to the political center. His 1977 electoral victory and premiership ended three decades of Labor Party political dominance.

Begin's most significant achievement as Prime Minister was the signing of a peace treaty with Egypt in 1979, for which he and Anwar Sadat shared the Nobel Prize for Peace. In the wake of the Camp David Accords, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) withdrew from the Sinai Peninsula, which had been captured from Egypt in the Six-Day War. Later, Begin's government promoted the construction of Israeli settlements in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Begin authorized the bombing of the Osirak nuclear plant in Iraq and the invasion of Lebanon in 1982 to fight PLO strongholds there, igniting the 1982 Lebanon War. As Israeli military involvement in Lebanon deepened, and the Sabra and Shatila massacre, carried out by Christian Phalangist militia allies of the Israelis, shocked world public opinion, Begin grew increasingly isolated. As IDF forces remained mired in Lebanon and the economy suffered from hyperinflation, the public pressure on Begin mounted. Depressed by the death of his wife Aliza in November 1982, he gradually withdrew from public life, until his resignation in October 1983.

Примеры произношения для Menachem Begin
1. We called Menachem Begin, later the Prime Minister of Israel
Talking to Terrorists _ Jonathan Powell _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для Menachem Begin
1. His relatively apolitical legacy was later upheld by Menachem Begin.
2. "Not one inch," Menachem Begin said, and he returned Sinai.
3. The incitement started with Menachem Begin and continued with Netanyahu.
4. Pedestrians thronged to the food festival on Menachem Begin Road.
5. Amir Peretz is a secret admirer of Menachem Begin.